A long waited sequel...
The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A personal fact deserves a special note in my opinion - I really like this author since The Name of the Wind was probably the book that reignited by taste for reading. It was amazing. Can't really describe why. :P
So, i've had my eyes on the sequel for a long time coming. Finally i've started it without remembering most of the plot itself. But when i've started i immediately understood why i really like Rothfuss's writing and the plot came back in 100 pages or so. Obviously i couldn't put the book down (3 days...puff).
Let's say the WMF starts a lot more better than NOFW did, basically because it starts in my favorite NOFW scenario, the University. First 500 pages were awesome. Simply great. Then Kvothe goes to Vintas and meets the Maer. Well, it still continued to be awesome. Great new environment, fine characters such as the Maer, Brandon and Stapes. Interesting.
Then the search for the bandits... a little let awesome. Still nice, with a new group but perhaps a little too lenghty for a search. Well, the final battle pay it off... :P
Then Felurian... not awesome, great, but a little too much. Ctaeh was awesome however, didn't quite understood why he spent so much time with Felurian and so little with Ctaeh.
Then Tempi's travel...not great at all, the most boring character in all the series. Period. "It is of Lethani but it is not of the Lethani...". Ehhh.
Then Ademre which was an improvement but still too lenghty. By page 800 i became bored. Honestly. I wanted to continue, i wanted to know what would happen but i just kept wishing that Kvothe either went back to the Maer or the University. Which he did till the end of the book.
So, end thoughts. It's a "middle" book. It's a Rothfuss book. And that is enough to be good. But not NOTW good. It starts strong but it finishes a little more weak. So just a request Mr. Rothfuss, please write the last one faster, so that you can proceed to the next trilogy where the past is gone and the present starts. :)
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